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Erasmus+ Project: Learning4Greens@Schools

The project “Learning4Greens@Schools” aims to promote and support greenings at schools as an example for interdisciplinary sustainable teaching and applied environmental protection in the learning environment on a European level. The international L4GS team shares a large experience of working with schools on the topics of greening, sustainability and climate including implementing greenings in schools and developing didactic materials. By transferring these experiences and achievements the project’s aim is to develop didactic materials including practical experiments for Green Cool Schools across Europe.

To that aim, it is planned to:

  • Develop multilingual digitally accessible teaching and learning material that allows teachers and pupils from secondary level 1 (age 10 to 14 years) to learn more about different dimensions such as soil, greening, climate and microclimate.
  • Practical hands-on experiments accompanying the material, will give pupils and teachers the opportunity to design, plant and maintain their own indoor and outdoor school greenings.
  • Validate the applicability of the material in workshops and surveys with schools and teachers as partners of the project, with their valuable input and experience
  • Propose a multilingual guide to integrate the topics in the curriculum

The teaching and learning material will be available online in various languages such as English, Spanish, German and Basque.

„The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.“

More information can be found on our website https://greencoolschools.eu/ and our youtube channel.


Laufzeit: März 2022 bis Februar 2023
Projektstatus: abgeschlossen
Büro für nachhaltige Kompetenz B-NK GmbH,
Umweltbüro Nord,
Auftraggebende Stelle:

Beiträge zum Projekt