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Grünes Planen, Wohnen und Leben

Partizipation 2.0

The way the living environment of people is planned and designed has an immediate effect on the quality of living. Involving citizens and stakeholders in planning processes has become increasingly more common and valued. How can we therefore facilitate more fruitful communication and thereby initiate effective participation? For the research project “Participation 2.0” an active way of participation was selected. “Participation 2.0” investigates the requirements, wishes and needs of different groups concerning public space, urban gardening and green architecture.

The project was originally designed to encourage public interest and participation in the technical development process of the urban concept “CompactGardenLiving”. A major outcome of this project was transforming the knowledge gained into concepts applicable for urban open spaces and making ecological insights relevant for constructing more “green buildings” with a focus on kitchen gardening. As a result, input given by interested participants early on in the planning process helped to influence both the housing construction and the development of open space according to the requirements and wishes of residents. As a result the whole development of the construction process was transformed. Contrary to the developer’s original schedule, there was no valid land zoning for the permitted area in time.
Therfore, other premises and urban open space typologies served as substitutes for the research project. Planning design work as well as planning procedures, planning tools and planning methods were prepared for potentially interested parties. Planning drafts, instruments and procedures were prepared and simplified in order to be made more user-friendly for an interested public. Knowledge about the technical plans (floor plans, sections and elevations) and reports made accessible to non-professionals formed the technical basis for participation.

The target group’s requirements for “green living” as well as their ideas and experiences on the topic of “gardening in the city” were recorded with the help of several focus group interviews, Web 2.0 applications and via action days and other face-to-face communication forums. Several interviews with experts were conducted to support the study. All contributions, experiences and inputs were documented and processed accordingly and made accessible for landscape and open space planning practice. By creating transparent planning processes at all stages, a creative forum for landscape planners, architects and civil society has made urban spaces more flexible and tangible. The goal of this project was to include gender mainstreaming in the planning process as well as incorporate the diverse realities for female and male residents in the buildings and open space typologies under development. Consequently, architecture and open spaces have increased in quality and become more need-orientated.

Weitere Informationen
Projektbericht „Gärtnern in der Stadt Landschafts- und freiraumplanerische Erkenntnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt Partizipation 2.0“


Beiträge zum Projekt